Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bondye Kapab Fe Sa! God can do it! And don’t you forget it!

My Utmost For His Highest
‘Many servants set out to serve God with great courage and with the right motives. But with no intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ, they are soon defeated. They do not know what to do with their burden, and it produces weariness in their lives. Others will see this and say, “What a sad end to something that had such a great beginning!”’ CHAMBERS
1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you”
It seems that there is no end to the troubles that we face and the burdens that we must bear in this life.  It doesn’t matter whether you are a Christian or not.  Where the difference lies is the resource available to you to deal with those troubles and burdens.  The point is not that, as a Christian, all of your struggles will go away … but that the weight of those struggles will be carried by God.  Have you ever gotten to the point where you just didn’t want to deal with a problem or a person anymore?  Whenever you thought of facing whatever the burden is, you have an overwhelming feeling of weariness … dread … maybe even fear.
Jesus said that troubles would come but that He has overcome the world.  Jesus is bigger than any problem you will ever face.  In order to get relief from the weight of the matter, you must draw close to Jesus.   It doesn’t happen by magic … it doesn’t happen by you trying harder … it happens by strengthening your relationship with God. The troubles you face are like quicksand .. the more you struggle .. the faster you sink.  You need to give it to Jesus.  In our weakness, His strength is made perfect.  It is by acknowledging that we can’t but He can.  Dr. Henry Blackaby calls it a crisis of belief … it is an issue of believing what God said is true.  And that crisis of belief requires faith and action … you have to trust God and give up your death grip on your troubles.  Bondye Kapab Fe Sa.  God can do it! And don’t you forget it!
“Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other. Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God you are higher than any other.  Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God! Our God!
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.  And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.  And if our God is with us, then what could stand against. Then what could stand against."
Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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