Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Veil Of Feigned Holiness

"He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" —Ezekiel 37:3

“Can a sinner be turned into a saint? Can a twisted life be made right? There is only one appropriate answer— “O Lord God, You know” (Ezekiel 37:3). Never forge ahead with your religious common sense and say, “Oh, yes, with just a little more Bible reading, devotional time, and prayer, I see how it can be done.” It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we see the activity and mistake panic for inspiration. We would much rather work for God than believe in Him. Do I really believe that God will do in me what I cannot do? The degree of hopelessness I have for others comes from never realizing that God has done anything for me. Is my own personal experience such a wonderful realization of God’s power and might that I can never have a sense of hopelessness for anyone else I see? Has any spiritual work been accomplished in me at all? The degree of panic activity in my life is equal to the degree of my lack of personal spiritual experience. When God wants to show you what human nature is like separated from Himself, He shows it to you in yourself. If the Spirit of God has ever given you a vision of what you are apart from the grace of God (and He will only do this when His Spirit is at work in you), then you know that in reality there is no criminal half as bad as you yourself could be without His grace. “I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells” (Romans 7:18). God’s Spirit continually reveals to His children what human nature is like apart from His grace.” - My Utmost For His Highest

No one, except God, knows you like you do.  I am referring to the things that remain unrevealed to others, behind the veil.  I think most if not all of us prefer that people believe we are more spiritual than we really are.  We can behave really well on Sunday mornings .. for an hour or so anyway or when we are gathered with other Christians.  But most of us struggle to be more righteous in our thinking and doing.  We learn to be content or resolved with our current level of sanctification.  It’s the best we can do!  That is our old nature at work in us.  What a friend of mine used to call "stinkin' thinkin'". A constant struggle.  

When he (the Holy Spirit) comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me (Jesus)” - John 16:8-9

During the great revivals, in times past, it was not uncommon for people to publicly confess their sins having come under great conviction by the Holy Spirit. For that to have happened publicly there must have first come conviction and brokenness privately.  When we hide behind a veil of feigned holiness, fearful that people will reject us if they really knew what we are made of, we cripple the new man - our new nature.  I am not suggesting that we stand on a street corner and shout out every sin … but I am encouraging you to not let the fear of what men may think of keeping you from submitting to the conviction of the Spirit and confessing your sins to the Father.  Don’t show more respect or fear for men than you do for the Father.  

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”  - Matthew 10:28

“The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” - Psalm 118:6

To do that requires faith … a deepened faith that comes as you pursue a deeper relationship with God. Resist the temptation to become content with some sins in your life. 

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Double Minded Because You Are In A Double Bind

"But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." - James 1:6-8

A double bind is a dilemma in which an individual receives two or more reciprocally conflicting messages. In our case, obey God or do what is right in our own eyes.

Man chose to go his own way in the Garden in response to Satan’s question “Did God really say you will surely die?”  In other words, “What does God know?”  You know what is best for you, you don’t need God telling you what to do. “You can be your own god.”  Adam and Eve chose to believe Satan and sin entered in.  The eating the fruit was not the evil thing, it was disobedience that was evil. 

Humans are capable of doing much good and much evil.  We would like to think that the good people have a shot of getting into heaven, but the only way is to be born again (John 3) by faith in Jesus (John 14) and not by trying harder (Ephesians 2).  

Your desire to be your own god, the double bind, will haunt you until the day you see Jesus face to face. (Romans 7) You can only be successful in this new life by trusting in Jesus, keeping your eyes on Him and your heart devoted to God.  That, my friend, doesn’t just happen, it requires a determined effort on your part.  It is important to understand your old nature and to understand your new nature.  They are incompatible with each other.  In contention with each other. You can’t do both.  “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8) 

Don't think your struggle is unique - every Christian struggles.

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

You Are What You Think

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" - Philippians 4:8

More and more I have been reading articles and discussions about the need to have armed security at church services. The threat is not necessarily from without, but from within. How far the "mighty" have fallen. The place where the Church - the body of Christ - gathers to worship was once thought of as being hollowed. To be respected as a place of a sacred assembly. A place where God is honored. Set apart from the world and its troubles. A place where people might come and find healing.

In my lifetime, I have seen a shift in that attitude and reference. Why would we need to be concerned about having people (men) trained specifically to intervene when someone threatens the health and safety of the worshippers. I have an idea and if you think about it, you might find that you agree.

Since my children were wee children there is a growing, insidious move to introduce violence as entertainment. What might have been censored or at least rated R is now commonplace - prevalent even. What was once confined to movie theaters and now accessible in the living rooms and bedrooms. Popular television is replete with series that glamorize violent death, loss, drugs, out of marriage sexual relationships. Our children are no longer protected from the worst the world has to offer. 

We practice "passive parenting" by setting them in front of a television, giving them an iPhone or iPad and let them "have at it" with little or no regulation. Possession of those devices has become a right not a privilege. The content they are exposed to shapes what is normal in their minds. What is acceptable. 

Violence has become a reasonable solution for problem solving. In the Army, we used simulators to practice our craft with the expectation that those refined skills would be used on the battlefield.  In the same way, the internet with filled with social simulations - refining our social skills - encouraging the idea that violence is acceptable - justifiable. And if you are not the perpetrator - you are at least ambivalent to it happening around you. I mean, it's normal right.

"Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them. Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:5-6

That is an admonition to parents and the Church. You can't save the children - that is the Lord's work - but you can show them the way. 

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Monday, May 13, 2024

Don't Do Something So You Can Be Something - Do Something Because You Are Something

If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. —John 13:17

 Knowing is not the same as doing. You can memorize scripture all you want or are able, but if you don’t obey the scripture, it is to no avail.  It has not accomplished its purpose.  James wrote 

Be doers of the Word and not hearers only” (James 1:22) 

We conjure up all kinds of substitutes for obedience to the Word.  The primary reason is .. well … it’s us.  We do not want to give in or give up … lay down .. turn away … or submit … we prefer to be in control … to not be in control is frightful .. it is an issue of trust and faith.  We don’t really trust God … our faith is not in Him but in ourselves. We have to protect ourselves … for many sad reasons … So what is the solution?  I have shared this illustration before .. some time ago.  

This is what is known as the Navigator’s Wheel.  I met an Arny captain at Fort Knox in 1976 right after I was born again who was with the Navigator's ministry. He shared this with me on a napkin during lunch one day. I am sharing this with you 48 years later. My point, never think that the spiritual seeds you plant will not take root. 

The Hub is Jesus – at the center.  There are 4 spokes.  The vertical spokes are meditation on the Word and Prayer.  The horizontal spokes are Witnessing to the Lost and Fellowship with other Christians.  The rim of the wheel is the Christ Centered Life.  Each of the components of the wheel requires us to do something.  Not do something so you can be something … but do something because you are something.  It starts with an intimate relationship with Jesus and goes from there.  Works as a result of faith … not faith as a result of works. The Christian life is supernatural and dependent upon the Spirit of God – faith in Jesus and a willing – submitted heart.   If you are struggling with this .. there is no better time than today to turn the corner.  Stop trying to change on the outside and let God change you from the inside.

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Friday, May 10, 2024


"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority. In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead. And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands." - Colossians 2:8-14

I was involved in a discussion just the other day about when it would be appropriate to celebrate Mother's Day. In the U.S. the day is this next Sunday. The same in South America. In Mexico, it is next Friday. It so happens that we attend a church that is a blend of Christians with several ethnicities and corresponding ethnic traditions. My response was "Este es los Estados Unidos."  Translation, "This is the United States". The implication - "when in Rome". Please do not misunderstand the purpose of the example. I think moms should be honored every day not just in May. Be it Sunday or Friday - take your pick - just don't forget to do it. 

My point is that, as Christians, we need to be sensitive to the fact that on the day of our rebirth, we were given a new ethnicity - with new traditions. 

"From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation" - 2 Corinthians 5:16-18

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28

Be careful about making ethnic distinctions between Christians. Be careful about taking pride in your natural heritage - but rather boast in your new spiritual heritage and the unity salvation brings no matter what country you are from or live in - what color your skin is - even what day you celebrate Mother's Day.

"I [Jesus] do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." - John 17:20-21

I have written about this before. The United States is a secular, social experiment. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all is our stated purpose. That is not exactly how it has played out. As a people, we are not one, but we are different groups that coexist in one country. The oneness we seek can only be found by faith in Jesus.

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Show and Tell

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… —Matthew 28:19

“Jesus Christ did not say, “Go and save souls” (the salvation of souls is the supernatural work of God), but He said, “Go…make disciples of all the nations….” Yet you cannot make disciples unless you are a disciple yourself. The [Christian's] great essential is remaining true to the call of God. The challenge does not come from the fact that people are difficult to bring to salvation, that backsliders are difficult to reclaim, or that there is a barrier of callous indifference. No, the challenge comes from the perspective of the [Christian's] own personal relationship with Jesus Christ— “Do YOU (sic) believe that I am able to do this?” (Matthew 9:28). Our Lord unwaveringly asks us that question, and it confronts us in every individual situation we encounter.” - My Utmost For His Highest

 Our new life is all about trusting God in all things for all things.  When Martie and I packed up and moved to Texas, we knew in our knower that God has called us.  And when we know, we go.  So we arrived but did not find what we expected to find … Waveland in Texas.  Instead God had led us to a very different place.  Instead of being in the middle of destruction, we were on the fringe of it.  We really expected to be immersed when we arrived, but we were not.  So we thought perhaps we misread the map and we should be in another place .. maybe we heard God wrong.  Then we began to meet with the people who are struggling with the loss that came with Hurricane Harvey.  The stress.  The hopelessness.  That is when we saw Waveland in Texas.  Not in the houses around us but in the faces and voices of the people.  It is the people that we have been sent to help .. not their homes.  But one way we would help the people is through their homes.  When people approached Jesus because of their physical need, He always pointed them to their spiritual need .. the “true” source of their trouble.  It is so easy for us to drift over to the work and miss the main thing.  God wants to use all of us … Christians … to tell people about Jesus and salvation through Him.  About hope in despair.  About the faithfulness of God when your insurance company says we won’t give you what you need to restore your home.

But … “God will make a way Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He will be my guide Hold me closely to His side With love and strength For each new day He will make a way”.  That is a song written by Don Moen.  That is the message that we have for the people here.  Its proof is demonstrated through the help that they receive through us.  Whether it’s us rebuilding homes or you coming alongside someone struggling with life, we are called to be salt and light. People seeing Jesus in us.  We know that there is nothing that we can do that will have eternal value that is a result of the work of our hands.  But God can speak through all of us as we serve others.  In Matthew 25 is the story of the sheep and the goats.  The sheep are going to heaven .. the goats are not.  In the case of the sheep Jesus commended them for doing good things to Him and the goats were condemned for not.  Both the sheep and the goats asked the same question.  “Lord, When did we see you?”  He answered to the sheep “When you did it for others, you did it for Me.” And to the goats “When you did not do it for others, you did not do it for Me.”  If Jesus is Lord then you will reach out to people who are in need.  Not just to give them water that will satisfy for the moment, but to give them living water that will satisfy for eternity.

So to make the bottom line the last line.  Be careful that you don’t look at your circumstances and assume that God has not led you there because what you are facing is beyond you.  That is a perfect opportunity for God to show His power and lift up His Son. You can’t save anybody, but you can tell everybody. Let them see Jesus through you. Show and tell.

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

One Thing Remains - His Love Never Gives Up

‘Faith, as the Bible teaches it, is faith in God coming against everything that contradicts Him— a faith that says, “I will remain true to God’s character whatever He may do.” The highest and the greatest expression of faith in the whole Bible is— “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15).’ My Utmost For His Highest

 I think God uses marriage – the life commitment between a man and a woman – as a way to show us what our relationship with Him is like.  In a marriage the two people experience heartache and joy. But the covenant they have made is not dependent upon those experiences.  It transcends what they experience.  They don’t abandon each other because of hardship … distress .. loss … sickness … or financial trouble … but they stay true to each other.  In the same way .. we have a Father in heaven who loves us and will never leave us … He is by nature faithful … He will be nothing else …. but we are not always the faithful partner … we find ourselves committed to a conditional relationship … so long as things go our way … we are in .. but if we have problems … well … we might just have to find someone else … Hosea and Gomer are a picture of how we often treat our relationship with God …

 Living by faith is so much more than happy thoughts … or well-crafted words on an email … but living in the daily grind of life … facing whatever comes our way with confidence in our relationship with the creator God. Knowing that we have joy and peace not because of the circumstances that surround us, but because of the God who loves us.

Song  (One Thing Remains)

 “Higher than the mountains that I face,  Stronger than the power of the grave,  Constant through the trial and the change,  One thing… Remains

 Your love never fails, never gives up  Never runs out on me

 On and on and on and on it goes, It overwhelms and satisfies my soul, And I never, ever, have to be afraid  ....  One thing remains

 In death, In life, I’m confident and covered by the power of Your great love,  My debt is paid, there’s nothing that can separate my heart from Your great love...”

  “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” - Romans 8:38-39

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Getting Along With Others

"Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good." - Romans 12:17-21

Is there someone with whom you have a broken relationship. Someone that you cannot be reconciled to? My assumption is that it remains broken is not because you do not seek it, but that they reject your attempts at being reconciled to them. At least that is my hope.  Our role in a broken relationship, I think, is that we are not to harbor any ill will toward others. To initiate the attempt to be reconciled, having an attitude of forgiveness. We are willing to extend forgiveness, just like God has done. What people do with it is up to them - just like it is with man toward God. Even though God has offered grace and mercy through Jesus, people who reject His offer are bound for hell. Not God's choice - it's theirs. 

Like the prodigal son.  The father looked to where the road crested the hill every day with hopes that one day he would see his son returning. We need to be ready to receive the prodigals in our lives should they repent and return. But it may not happen. And like the father, who did not chase after the son, we must wait for a change of heart. Hoping every day that it will happen - saddened at the thought that it may not.

In the meantime - we pray for them and look to the hill. 

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Monday, May 6, 2024

Defending Your Faith

"These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." -  1 Corinthians 2:13-14

Sin blinds the natural man from understanding spiritual truth. The disparity between what is right and acceptable by the world's standards and our faith and Biblical truth has become increasingly obvious in these days. I say "obvious" because the disparity has always been there - just not so glaring. We live in an age of instant information, when someone can sneeze in China and a person in New York will say "Gesundheit" or "God Bless You".  Christianity, in the U.S, in particular, has become politicized.  It is not viewed so much as Theology, " the study of the nature of God and religious belief" - but as an Ideology, which is "a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy".

Frankly that is the best the world can be expected do in understanding who Christians are. What we say we believe and the way we live (or should live) is considered to be foolishness to "natural" man - those who are not born again by the Spirit of God through faith in Jesus. That is assuming that the way we live is consistent with what we say we believe. When it is, we open ourselves to justifiable criticism from the world. Too often we live a Christian-like life that is an amalgamation of Biblical Truth and worldly wisdom.  

"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." - John 15:18-19

Our faith is offensive to those who hate God. So, what to do. It's simple really. Embrace the Truth. Live by Faith. Love God and love others. Resist the Devil. Put on the Full armor of God. Every day. 

"You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation." - 1 Peter 2:9-12

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Friday, May 3, 2024

Living For Today Or For Eternity

Let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good… —1 Peter 4:19 

“Choosing to suffer means that there must be something wrong with you, but choosing God’s will— even if it means you will suffer— is something very different. No normal, healthy saint ever chooses suffering; he simply chooses God’s will, just as Jesus did, whether it means suffering or not. God places His saints where they will bring the most glory to Him, and we are totally incapable of judging where that may be.” OSWALD CHAMBERS 

When I was in the Army, I used to say that we practiced being miserable. In many respects that was true.  It is often necessary for the military to go places that are difficult, and, yes, dangerous.  Would God send His children to difficult and dangerous places, absolutely.  For many Christians in the United States, their definition of a difficult place is when there is no air conditioning. The fact is, that in order to find yourself in a difficult or dangerous place, you must be willing to say “yes” to His calling. Jesus said ....

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”  - Matthew 16:24-25

Frankly speaking, most of us are not willing to walk that path of rejection and rebuke.  Living a life with nowhere to lay your head. (Luke 9:58) 

Years ago, a volunteer asked me, while in the midst of the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, “Do you like being in Mississippi?”  I told them that no one had ever asked me that question before.  After thinking about it for a moment, I answered, “There is nothing better than being in the center of God’s will for your life. Geography has nothing to do with it. So, yes, I love being in Mississippi.”  It really boils down to whether your focus is on you or God. Whether you go and do or not when God says go and do will tell the tale. God’s affirmation is not pouring out of material wealth and comfort.  It is certainly not sleeping in an airconditioned room when you volunteer in a third world country or in an area devastated by a natural disaster. Pastor Rick Warren said, “God is more concerned with your character than your comfort.”  Are you OK with that? God does not change so when you are faced with adversity, the “change” ball is in your court. 

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Fulfilling Your Calling

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" —Isaiah 6:8

“When we talk about the call of God, we often forget the most important thing, namely, the nature of Him who calls. There are many things calling each of us today. Some of these calls will be answered, and others will not even be heard. The call is the expression of the nature of the One who calls, and we can only recognize the call if that same nature is in us. The call of God is the expression of God’s nature, not ours. God providentially weaves the threads of His call through our lives, and only we can distinguish them. The call of God is not a reflection of my nature; my personal desires and temperament are of no consideration. Isaiah was so attuned to God, because of the great crisis he had just endured, that the call of God penetrated his soul. The majority of us cannot hear anything but ourselves. And we cannot hear anything God says. But to be brought to the place where we can hear the call of God is to be profoundly changed.” - Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest

When you think of someone being called by God .. hearing God’s voice … do you think of Isaiah, Moses, Abraham, Paul, maybe Billy Graham? Do you ever think of yourself as being among that group?  I would guess, probably not.  It would be like a duffer in golf comparing themselves to Arnold Palmer or Tiger Woods.  Not even in the same class.  Perhaps, but in the case of God’s call, your thinking would be wrong.  Way wrong.  Don’t confuse your role in the mission with the place of your calling.  God gives us different things to do, some seem small compared to others, but God decides that, not us.  

“And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” - Romans 8:30-31 

What do you say in response to God's revealed will for your life - your calling?  “Oh, I could never be like (fill in the blank)” We are all being conformed into the image of Jesus.  We are called into a new life.  Not to be like another Christian, but to be like Jesus. And that is not humanly possible but only possible by faith and the power of God. We all have a common mission but diverse roles in that mission.

Our problem is embracing that Truth, believing that Truth and walking in that Truth.  Seeing it as important in our every-day lives.  Do you live each moment with an awareness that you are called by God?  Not for the sake of pride but are you living in awe of what God has done in you by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9) God has given you a place of ministry in the place where you are right now.  The question is, will you be found faithful or will you focus on merely living life on this planet .. doing the best you can to get along with your new nature running in the background.  Waiting for heaven. My point, as Christians, we have been called to so much more than that.  And you don’t have to travel to a foreign land to experience it.  

“For [YOU] are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for [YOU] to do.” - Ephesians 2:10

We all must accept that truth and live in it by faith, just like Isaiah, Moses, Abraham, and Paul.

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone