Monday, May 13, 2024

Don't Do Something So You Can Be Something - Do Something Because You Are Something

If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. —John 13:17

 Knowing is not the same as doing. You can memorize scripture all you want or are able, but if you don’t obey the scripture, it is to no avail.  It has not accomplished its purpose.  James wrote 

Be doers of the Word and not hearers only” (James 1:22) 

We conjure up all kinds of substitutes for obedience to the Word.  The primary reason is .. well … it’s us.  We do not want to give in or give up … lay down .. turn away … or submit … we prefer to be in control … to not be in control is frightful .. it is an issue of trust and faith.  We don’t really trust God … our faith is not in Him but in ourselves. We have to protect ourselves … for many sad reasons … So what is the solution?  I have shared this illustration before .. some time ago.  

This is what is known as the Navigator’s Wheel.  I met an Arny captain at Fort Knox in 1976 right after I was born again who was with the Navigator's ministry. He shared this with me on a napkin during lunch one day. I am sharing this with you 48 years later. My point, never think that the spiritual seeds you plant will not take root. 

The Hub is Jesus – at the center.  There are 4 spokes.  The vertical spokes are meditation on the Word and Prayer.  The horizontal spokes are Witnessing to the Lost and Fellowship with other Christians.  The rim of the wheel is the Christ Centered Life.  Each of the components of the wheel requires us to do something.  Not do something so you can be something … but do something because you are something.  It starts with an intimate relationship with Jesus and goes from there.  Works as a result of faith … not faith as a result of works. The Christian life is supernatural and dependent upon the Spirit of God – faith in Jesus and a willing – submitted heart.   If you are struggling with this .. there is no better time than today to turn the corner.  Stop trying to change on the outside and let God change you from the inside.

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

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