Friday, May 31, 2024

The Great Cloud Of Witnesses

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted." - Hebrews 12:1-3

We knew a pastor in Savannah, Georgia who would often say, "When you see the word 'therefore' in the Bible, you need to look back to see what it is "there-for!" Martie and I watch a program called "The Repair Shop." The Shop is located in England. People bring broken things that have significant emotional and relational meaning in their lives hoping that somehow that which is broken can mended. And their love for the person it is tied to is somehow refreshed. In most cases the items have been passed down generation to generation and the person from the last generation has most often passed. There are many spiritual parallels between what the people in the shop do for others and what we, as Christians have been called to do for others. I think that is why we like the program so much. It speaks to our passion to serve others and bear one another's burdens. (Galatians 6:2) 

So - where is this going? After the repair is accomplished, very often the person receiving the help will say something to the effect - "If they (the person who has passed) are up there or if they are looking down, I am sure they are pleased." That got me thinking about Hebrews 12:1. 

When Hebrews 12 speaks about a Great Cloud of Witnesses, who are they exactly? Are they Christians who have gone before us sitting in a heavenly stadium watching us run the race, playing in the game of life? After much thought and study - my conclusion is there is no stadium in the sky.

Looking to see what the "therefore" is "there for", we need to consider chapter 11. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the rest of the Old Testament believers looked forward with faith to the coming of the Messiah. They were faithful men and women who paved the way for us in the Old Testament demonstrating faith that guided and directed them, unaware that God had something better planned. Those who have preceded us testify to God’s faithfulness and serve as examples of faith and obedience for those who follow.  Unlike those mentioned in Hebrews 11, we have the benefit of looking back seeing the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning Jesus first coming. 

"We are surrounded by the saints of the past in a unique way. It’s not that the faithful who have gone before us are spectators to the race we run. Rather, it is a figurative representation and means that we ought to act as if they were in sight and cheering us on to the same victory in the life of faith that they obtained. We are to be inspired by the godly examples these saints set during their lives. These are those whose past lives of faith encourage others to live that way, too. That the cloud is referred to as “great” indicates that millions of believers have gone before us, each bearing witness to the life of faith we now live." - (Who are “the cloud of witnesses” mentioned in Hebrews 12:1? |

Reflecting back on the Repair Shop program, I am actually saddened by the comments I hear about those who have gone before those seeking solace through the restoration of some object. None of the people on that program sound certain about eternity. I see the passion and love they have for those who have gone before them. Seeing the objects of their affection repaired they are reminded of the person who has been lost through death and their love for them. As many as we have listened to, not once was God or Jesus mentioned by any of them. No hope only memories. 

As an aside, I looked up the number of Christians who attend church in England in 2022 as compared to the number of declared Christians in England - it is slightly above two percent (2%). I know that there were great spiritual movements that were birthed in England that swept the United States and other parts of the world. I fear that the same might be said of the United States. I have a friend who has served as a volunteer with us many times over the years. During our chats as we worked in the field, I would ask, "So George, what do you think?" To which he invariably replied, "Jesus Saves". And that is what I think about it too.

"We have heard the joy­ful sound: Jesus saves! Je­sus saves! Spread the tid­ings all around: Jesus saves! Je­sus saves! Bear the news to every land, Climb the mountains, cross the waves; Onward! ’tis our  Lord’s command; Jesus saves! Je­sus saves!" -  Pris­cil­la J. Ow­ens, Jesus Saves

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

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