Saturday, March 29, 2014

Is Your Faith Dead In Deed Or Dead Indeed

My Utmost For His Highest
‘[The] battle is not against sin, difficulties, or circumstances, but against being so absorbed in our service to Jesus Christ that we are not ready to face Jesus Himself at every turn. The greatest need is not facing our beliefs or doctrines, or even facing the question of whether or not we are of any use to Him, but the need is to face Him.’ CHAMBERS
The problem we face is not in the doing but in the being.  No amount of serving will make you spiritually right.  One of the challenges for many Christians is confusing doing good works and being spiritually right with God.  When we were in Mississippi, very often volunteers would come with the view “I have taken time away from work and/or family to come to Mississippi.  I came here to work, so let’s go to work so I can go home.”  I would try to refocus them on the spiritual context of what they had come to do.  Some did not see the connection.  Doing good things for others should be a result of our relationship with God through Christ, not the sum total of who we are as Christians. The rich young ruler did good things for others, but he had not given his heart to God.  Just as we are saved by grace through faith and not works, the quality of our life and the value of our works depends upon our relationship with our Lord. Although James was right to say “faith without works is dead”, if your Christian experience is based upon works alone, then you may very well have put your faith in your works and not in Jesus.  In the one case your faith may be dead in deed, but in the other your faith is dead indeed.
Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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