Friday, April 13, 2012

You've Got a Friend

My Utmost For His Highest

‘Many servants set out to serve God with great courage and with the right motives. But with no intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ, they are soon defeated. They do not know what to do with their burden, and it produces weariness in their lives. Others will see this and say, “What a sad end to something that had such a great beginning!” CHAMBERS

Do you have a special friend that you can anything to?  When you are troubled … sad … confused by life … disappointment sets in because of what someone did or didn’t do .. do you go to that person and share your heart .. the pain you feel … your fears about what lies ahead?  Not everyone does … many have to just ‘deal with it’.  In the Bible Study Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby talks about 7 realities.  One of them is that ‘God pursues a continuing relationship with you that is real and personal’.  That is what Chambers is talking about.  Our faith in Jesus has opened the possibility of have a close, personal relationship with Him.  The same relationship that you might have with your closets friend and confidant … you can have much more with Jesus.  Your friend can lend an ear and give you sympathetic encouragement.  The Lord on the other hand is your creator and your savior. He not only knows your sorrow, but can help you through it in a way a friend never could.  ‘What a friend we have in Jesus.  All our sins and griefs to bear.  What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer.’ 

The Word tells us to share one another’s burdens Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) And what is the law of Christ? Matthew 22:37-39 says love God and love you neighbor.  It is clearly not wrong to share your struggle with others, but did you notice the sequence?  God first?  Our tendency is to turn to others before we turn to God. As if they are real and He is not.  Our problem is that we do not think of the Lord as being with us, but distant.  We feel we have to call Him and hope that He will answer.  Yet the Word also says … Trust in the Lord and not your own understanding – Prov 3:5,6 …. Cast all of your cares on Him – 1 Peter 5:7 …. Don’t be anxious about anything but pray and you will experience a peace that passes all understanding – Philippians 4:6-7

Reading the Word and praying are critical to you spiritual, physical and emotional well-being.  This is something we all know to do .. we just don’t do it as we should.  Take time to talk to the Lord and listen to what He says through His Word . 

Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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