Friday, June 18, 2021

The Challenge Of Rejecting The Reasonable For The Impossible

A.W. Tozer “I claim the holy right to disappoint men in order to not disappoint God.”

A friend posted that quote from A.W. Tozer on Facebook.  It pricked my heart and resonated with my spirit, so I thought I would share it with you.  Sometimes - perhaps often times - we are faced with a choice ... men or God - God's ways are not our ways - but we would like to change that. If what God asks you to do does not conform to conventional wisdom there are two possibilities - First - God is indeed at work or - Second - It's not God at all. You need the spiritual wisdom of God to know the difference - But nonetheless - when it is God - the opinions of men should not matter. Men will ask, "But what about .... ". But God will say "Go". He will say .. "sell everything ... pick up your cross .... love me with everything ... with your whole heart .... If you love Me, obey Me." Men will say – use some common sense – think about your future!  It's your choice who you obey. My wife and I choose God, knowing that the going will always require faith and “other-worldly” obedience.

It would be a wonderful thing if the world was in sync with God, but we know that is not the case.  Trying to find balance between the two is what most of us struggle with.  And it seems so reasonable to seek balance.  The problem is, that one will always go wanting because of the other. 

No one can serve two masters .. you will love one and hate the other” –  Matthew 6:24

If you turn to the world for answers when God has spoken and made His will clear, you will most often be tempted to disobey God to choose something more reasonable in the eyes of man.  Well-meaning Christians will speak to you about making other choices or at least delaying your obedience.  It is like the serpent in the Garden asking “Did God really say?”  [I am not calling my Christian friends serpents!]  Their counsel is well intentioned but, on the whole, seasoned with selfish motive.  Their arguments are logical, even reasonable, except for one thing.  God said “Go”.  Jesus asked his disciples “Where is your faith?” “Why did you doubt?”  Instead of looking to Him, they were looking at the natural laws .. the impossibility of the situation … fear and doubt set in.  In our life, personally, God gives and He takes away … It is not our lot to accumulate possessions, for long any way.  It is not a question of how much of the world and its relationships that you must lay down at Jesus feet.  The question is “Are you willing to lay down whatever is in the way of what God has called you to?”  Like Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love Me [Jesus] more than these?” (John 21:15)  Well …. Do You? When Peter said “yes” then Jesus said to Peter - "Show Me"

Think about it – Pray about it - Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory.

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

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