Monday, October 14, 2024

They Can Always Imagine

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools." - Romans 1:20-22

I make it a habit to read the news on-line each day to get a sense of what is happening in the world. A few days ago, I read an article published by This is an excerpt.

"Why haven't we found intelligent alien civilizations? There may be a 'universal limit to technological development’..... In less than seven decades, humanity went from having no active flight technology to walking on the moon. It took only a little over a century to get from the first basic computer to a pocket-size device that enables widespread access to nearly the entire body of human knowledge within seconds. Based on that technological trajectory, there is a persistent assumption that our technological capacities are unbounded. This notion, along with the discovery that habitable worlds are common throughout the cosmos, has influenced a question that has perplexed scientists and others for decades: "Why is the universe so quiet?" -

As Paul wrote, man has indeed become futile in his thinking. The driving force behind that futility is that sinful man does not want there to be a God. People through the generations have not wanted the Bible or Jesus to be God's revelation to mankind. Before I break down what had to say, let's talk about Darwin for a moment. I am certain you are familiar with his Theory of Evolution - The Origins of Man. Darwin was seeking to explain creation and specifically why homo sapiens are so distinctly different from other creatures on this planet. So, he came up with a theory. You know what a theory is, right? It is an "unproved" assumption. BTW as I was typing the word "unproved" the word "theory" appeared to assist me with my typing, I suppose so I don't use up my allocation of zeroes and ones. :)  The only thing missing to make Darwin's theory fact is what is known as the "missing link". The link that is still missing. So, in the meantime, many people have accepted Darwin's theory to be fact because it fits their world view. That being one without a Creator to which they would be accountable. The theory is even taught in the schools so our children will think it is fact. The thinking is that the missing link is real, we just have not found it - yet. In the meanwhile, we will just have to keep looking until we do and are proven right.

So, to Is there life on other planets? Yes - in their minds. But the technological development on any world has an upper bound which prevents any creature from reaching beyond its planetary system. Doesn't that seem to be a reasonable explanation as to why there is no proof of intelligent life on other planets. And IF it is true then it makes the missing link not quite so important. And it debunks the idea that the universe has our planet at its center. And Homo Sapiens as a unique creation in all of the universe. Listen, there are people that will "go to the mat" over these theories. They are vehement about their allegiance to their claim that "There is no God of the Universe" theory. As convinced and vehement as I am about the fact that there is.

I read another article about Mars exploration and how scientists are convinced they will find proof of life even if it is microbial and existed billions of years ago. The world wants so desperately to believe there is no God.

NASA is set to launch a spacecraft to Jupiter's moon Europa, considered one of our solar system's most promising spots to search for life beyond Earth, to learn whether this ice-encased world believed to harbor a vast underground ocean is habitable.

And the beat goes on! Footage from the Tiangong (Chinese) space station shows Shenzhou 18 crew members — commander Ye Guangfu and crewmates Li Cong and Li Guangsu — engaged in research on the adaptability of anaerobic archaea. (micro-organisms) The research aims to test their survival under Mars-like conditions and extreme cosmic radiation, contributing to the search for extraterrestrial life, according to a report from CCTV. (that was a quote) And so ....

Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools. They can always imagine, but it doesn't change the Truth, and on that day when they stand before a holy God they will be found to be without excuse. Pray for the lost.

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory. 

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone 

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