Friday, June 3, 2022

Erasing The Consequence Of Sin

"If I have covered my transgressions as Adam, By hiding my iniquity in my bosom, Because I feared the great multitude, And dreaded the contempt of families, So that I kept silence" - Job 31:33-34

I shared the idea that the other day that God forgives us of our sins by faith in Jesus, the eternal consequence of our sin, but does not promise to protect us from the temporary - natural consequences of our sins. The consequences of sin - saved or unsaved - are shame - loss of some sort whether it be relationships, financial, reputation, or perhaps incarceration or even death in extreme cases - at minimum inconvenience.

So what to do. How to escape the consequence. The world's solution - Adam's solution - King David's solution - is to hide the sin. Or even try to cover it up with another sin. You can deny you did it. The idea is that everyone in prison is innocent. Even in the face of incontrovertible (I love that word!) evidence. That is not to say that some are not falsely accused - guilty until proven innocent by the court of public opinion. 

God sees the heart of man - people must rely on what they see for themselves,  posts on social media and sensationalism espoused by the news media. Or our culture can redefine what sin is and everyone can close their eyes to the truth and pretend the the "emperor really does have clothes on". For someone not from my generation please Google - The Emperor's New Clothes - a folktale by Hans Christian Andersen to understand the reference.

That is what abortion is. Really. It is an effort to cover up sin with another sin - one that has been declared by our culture to not be sin. (I know there are times when it might be necessary - but those are a small percentage of the reasons for abortion.) Birth control is avoidance of the consequence of sex. Abortion is the extreme method of birth control. My point is that we must see things for what they are and not what our culture want us to see and believe to be true. 

Consensus does not necessarily make something right or true. It depends what the consensus is based upon. Most of the world believes that there is no need for a Savior. They can agree with one another all the way to the gates of hell.  A rose is still a rose - you can call it what you like - paint it any color you  like. It does not change its nature. Christian, our understanding of what is right and what is wrong is the Word of God and the revelation of the Spirit of God - consistent with the Word of God. 

To quote my step-dad and spiritual father when faced with a question, "let's look at the Word and see what God has to say about it."

Think about it – Pray about it – Believe it – Walk in it. Let your light shine and give God the glory.

By Faith Alone By His Grace Alone And For His Glory Alone

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