Monday, November 19, 2018

How To Deal With Disappointment

Have you ever really wanted something, but you were denied that something? We all have and probably will.  The question is – “How will you handle disappointments?” Will you be sad – angry – bitter – resentful? I imagine all of us have felt those feelings at some point in our lives because what we wanted to happen didn’t.  Maybe our fault or maybe the fault of someone else or maybe no one’s fault or sometimes God intervenes and says “no” or “not now”. I have been dealt many disappointments in my life and have felt those feeling I listed.  And this thing I have learned.  How I respond to life – no matter what form it comes in – depends upon my spiritual condition – not my determination to do right.  

By the way,  … I am addressing the new nature, Christian, you  - not the old nature, worldly, you. 

I think it is safe to say that many if not most Christians don’t take their faith seriously when it comes to day to day living.  Their faith is reserved for the crisis events of life.  When they are in a “jam” physically, financially, or relationally.  The rest of the time – the majority of the time they are living on the energy of their old nature.  The Apostle Paul wrote this (Philippians 4:11-13) “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him [Jesus] who gives me strength.

You think you are not like Paul, the super saint? I beg to differ with you!  You are exactly like Paul – at least potentially.  Born a sinner – saved from Sin – Sealed by the Spirit. Now where we do often differ from Paul is that we are not totally committed to following Jesus and fully trusting in God. Paul had plenty of reasons to be resentful – bitter – hurt because of the way he was treated.  To overcome disappointments you don’t have to be Paul – just look to Jesus like he did.  The other day I whacked my left forefinger with a hammer – not on purpose.  It really hurt – but there was a job to do.  I didn’t quit – I pressed on with the work.  The reason I remember I hurt my finger then is because the nail is black and blue now – as a reminder.  

When you are hurt by disappointment – you should acknowledge it – you will probably be reminded of it – but you should also respond to it in the context of who you are in Christ.  Remember what your priorities are, or should be, in this life.  I am often reminded of scripture when I face adversity of any kind.  As a result – my response to disappointment has softened. Jesus said (John 16:33) “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Don’t let the disappointments that will certainly come your way discourage you. Take them in stride and trust Jesus.  

What does God expect of you – Christian? (Micah 6:8) “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” And your old nature is not going to help you do that. CHARLEY 

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