Monday, August 17, 2015

Don't Just Talk About It, Do it.

“…Jesus…said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have…and come, follow Me." But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich.” —Luke 18:22-23

“Have you ever heard the Master say something very difficult to you? If you haven’t, I question whether you have ever heard Him say anything at all. Jesus says a tremendous amount to us that we listen to, but do not actually hear. And once we do hear Him, His words are harsh and unyielding.  Jesus did not show the least concern that this rich young ruler should do what He told him, nor did Jesus make any attempt to keep this man with Him. He simply said to him, “Sell all that you have…and come, follow Me.” Our Lord never pleaded with him; He never tried to lure him— He simply spoke the strictest words that human ears have ever heard, and then left him alone. Have I ever heard Jesus say something difficult and unyielding to me? Has He said something personally to me to which I have deliberately listened— not something I can explain for the sake of others, but something I have heard Him say directly to me? This man understood what Jesus said. He heard it clearly, realizing the full impact of its meaning, and it broke his heart. He did not go away as a defiant person, but as one who was sorrowful and discouraged. He had come to Jesus on fire with zeal and determination, but the words of Jesus simply froze him.” CHAMBERS

I have often wondered if my comments in these devotions are sometimes too harsh.  But the truth is harsh, isn’t it?  I mean in the face of disobedience .. it can seem that way.  Proverbs 27:6 (CEV) “You can trust a friend who corrects you, but kisses from an enemy are nothing but lies.”  In another version the truth is described as “the wounds of a friend”.  When Jesus spoke to the young man who was so certain that he was going to impress Jesus with his self-righteousness, Jesus wounded him.  Jesus spoke to the heart of the problem.  The young man loved money more than God.  The battle you face every day is one of a struggle for your devotion. Are you devoted foremost to yourself … your wealth .. your health … your possessions … your friends … your family  …. your happiness .. your job … or to the Creator God?  It is a simple question … many times the answer is not what I am devoted to , but what a Christian is supposed to be devoted to.  The proof is in the pudding … meaning that the proof is in the eating .. or in this case . .the proof is in the living.  You see .. what you worship is seen more clearly on the other 6 days of the week .. when you are not in the midst of  Believers … when you can let your hair down (meaning to relax and enjoy yourself without worrying what other people will think) and be yourself.  The self that Jesus sees 24x7x365. 

This must be idiom day … not to sound like a broken record … you need to trust God, love Him first and others second … do not love the world or the things in this world … lay your treasures (what you value) up in heaven.  Bring glory to God by living for Him and not yourself.  And follow Jesus.  Don't just talk about it, do it.  ELGIN

Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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