Monday, December 5, 2016

Knowing The Difference Between Judgement And Discernment

My Utmost For His Highest
…only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you. —Genesis 41:40
“To “work out [my] own salvation” (Philippians 2:12) means that I am responsible for using what He has given me. It also means that I must exhibit in my own body the life of the Lord Jesus, not mysteriously or secretly, but openly and boldly. […] God has given us the responsibility to rule over all “the temple of the Holy Spirit,” including our thoughts and desires (1 Corinthians 6:19). […] most of us are much more severe in our judgment of others than we are in judging ourselves. We make excuses for things in ourselves, while we condemn things in the lives of others simply because we are not naturally inclined to do them. Paul said, “I beseech you…that you present your bodies a living sacrifice…” (Romans 12:1). What I must decide is whether or not I will agree with my Lord and Master that my body will indeed be His temple.” CHAMBERS
We must be careful that we do not judge others when we see them struggling a sin.  That does not mean that we ignore sin in others, it means that we don’t judge them.  There is but one Judge. (James 4:12) “There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?”  Those who are Christians, we can encourage and pray for.  Those who are not Christians, we can encourage them to repent and pray to that end.  There is a difference between judging and discernment.  We don’t judge others.  At the same time, we don’t condone the sin.  If the Bible says it’s sin, it’s sin.  Our culture is been busy in redefining right and wrong, but the God’s Word has not changed.  Be careful that you don’t let your compassion for people cause you to abandon truth.  Your compassion for people should compel you to seek after the best for them which, ultimately, is new birth.  You cannot change the hearts of others, only God can do that.  But you can let them see Jesus in you.  And Jesus said, if He is lifted up, He will draw people to Himself. (John 12:32ELGIN

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