Tuesday, December 24, 2013

God Loves You And Don't You Forget It!

My Utmost For His Highest
“The Spirit of God testifies to and confirms the simple, but almighty, security of the life that “is hidden with Christ in God.” Paul continually brought this out in his New Testament letters. We talk as if living a sanctified life were the most uncertain and insecure thing we could do. Yet it is the most secure thing possible, because it has Almighty God in and behind it. The most dangerous and unsure thing is to try to live without God.” CHAMBERS
When you think of living the Christian life, do you see levels of living? In other words, there are certain levels that Christians live on.  Some are very close to God and others are relegated to live at a distance.  You are still in the same area, just not as close as some people are.  You can’t imagine yourself of ever being really close … you have too many issues for that. So you decide to be content with your life as it is.  As a friend of ours says .. “That is stinkin’ thinkin’”
You are a child of the King.  (1 John 3:1) You are not a step child.  You have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. (Ephesians 1:3-6) You get a front row seat … not because of how good you are, but because of the sacrifice of Jesus.  You are loved! Give thanks to Jesus this holiday season. And praise God with your life.
Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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