Friday, May 9, 2014

When Our Faith Grows Cold

My Utmost For His Highest
‘Once we lose sight of God, we begin to be reckless. We cast off certain restraints from activities we know are wrong. We set prayer aside as well and cease having God’s vision in the little things of life. We simply begin to act on our own initiative.’ CHAMBERS
How easy is it to slip back into the old patterns of our life before Jesus?  It is as easy as eating that snack you said you would never eat again because you need to lose some weight.  Before you know it, there is not even a glimmer of that commitment in your mind.  And so, in the same way, we find ourselves living for ourselves, with barely a thought about God and His purpose for us.  There is no hunger for the Word of God.  Do you remember when your hunger could not, would not be satisfied? You loved the read God’s Word.  For me, that is a validating sign of someone’s new birth ,,, they are hungry for the Bread of Life.  They can’t seem to get enough of it.
How are you doing in your walk?  The nice thing about a devotion is that you are not being asked to raise your hand and admit something in front of other people.  This is for you to consider in the solitude of this moment.  Do you hunger for the Word?  Do you take the time to pray to God each day … Are you associating with other Christians? Or …. Do Christians who have a zeal for God make you uncomfortable? Do you tune out the preacher on Sunday morning?  Do you think about other things in Bible Study?  Do you have a hard time remembering what verse or Book in the Bible you last read, when you were alone? Do you look forward to the time when you can get with your friends or buddies and relax and have a good time and not talk about spiritual things?
The point of this is not to make you feel bad … the point is to remind you that you have a new life and new relationships.  That you need to be alert … that going back to the natural life is not that long of a trip.  Take some time to read Psalm 1 or John 1 or Ephesians 2 or all three today.  And then talk to your Father in heaven.  You will be glad you did … Oh, and leave those Twinkies alone!
Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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