Sunday, May 4, 2014

How We Gained Access Into The Presence Of God

My Utmost For His Highest
‘We have “boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus”. […] Vicarious intercession means that we deliberately substitute God’s interests in others for our natural sympathy with them. ’ Chambers
Sometimes people use words that are meant to describe a truth, but the description actually makes the understanding of the truth more difficult.  As a Christian, because of Jesus sacrifice on the cross, we have access to the presence of God … the creator of the universe. Can you imagine that?  Think about this … say someone is given a job in the White House and given access to the President. It has to be overwhelming for them.  But day after day, week after week, they are in his presence. And after a while, it is no longer quite so awe inspiring. In fact, it becomes routine.  That is what happens with our coming into the presence of God.  It becomes routine.  We must be careful.  When Jesus died, it says in Matthew 27:51 that the curtain that kept everyone but the high priest out of the presence of God in the Holy of Holies was torn in two.  You have access to God the Father because of the sacrifice of God the Son. Don’t lose sight of that. One the day of atonement, the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice.  There was a great deal of preparation and ceremony before he went behind the curtain.  Coming into the presence of a holy God is not a trivial thing. And it should not be trivial for us. We have access to the Father only because of Jesus.
Nearly every day I am made aware of someone who needs prayer.  I hear about their plight and am asked that I pray for resolution of whatever their trouble might be.  When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he told them this .. Acknowledge God the Father for who He is. Ask Him to continue to provide for our needs.  Ask Him to forgive us for our sins in the same manner we forgive others.  (Our hearts must be right before God for Him to hear us) Ask Him to protect us from the evil in this world.  Acknowledge that all glory and honor is His. Ask that He be glorified in our lives.
The same is true for those we pray for.  We must acknowledge the sovereignty of God.  That His way is right. That the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Which means that it may not be that a person is healed or restored financially or relationally. It may be that they must endure the difficulty … and as they endure it … the fragrance of Christ fills the space they occupy.  People see faith lived out.  The Gospel is lived out in  trouble in a way that people can see … and not just hear about.  So when we pray for ourselves and others … we should pray for healing and restoration, but even more, that God’s interests are accomplished .. that He is glorified … and the people are drawn to Jesus.  And not our will but His will be done.
Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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