Sunday, February 26, 2012

Get a Grip

My Utmost For His Highest

“… doubts or misgivings about Jesus begin as we consider questions that divert our focus away from God. While we talk of our dealings with Him, others ask us, “Where are you going to get enough money to live? How will you live and who will take care of you?” Or our misgivings begin within ourselves when we tell Jesus that our circumstances are just a little too difficult for Him. We say, “It’s easy to say, ’Trust in the Lord,’ but a person has to live; and besides, Jesus has nothing with which to draw water— no means to be able to give us these things.”  CHAMBERS

What God asks us to do is seek Him --- first (Matt 6:33-34) and put our trust in Him … no matter what it is the confronts us … “In ALL our ways acknowledge Him”  (Prov 3: 6) Dr. Del Tackett from Focus on the Family’s --Truth Project poses an interesting question in that study  He asks  … ‘Do you believe that what you believe is really real?’  In other words, do you really believe this faith stuff or is it just a nice philosophy that really does not have much practical value. If you believe it is true, then you will act on it.  Someone once said that ‘you only believe the parts of the Bible that you obey.’  That is a challenge … God calls us away from the natural course of things to a new way of living this life.  Walking in a spiritual reality … but still living in this world … Isn’t it an odd situation that we find ourselves in?  Ever wonder why God chose to even create us with our own will … I mean we really have the capacity to mess things up don’t we? And yet in each person there is a glimmer, a spark of knowing that there is more to us than what we are experiencing … We just don’t know how to get a grip on it. 

Jesus said, ‘I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.’  That is how we get a grip … that is how we experience a greater reality … through a relationship with Him.  And how do we do that? Of course it starts with salvation .. We must be born again ( John 3:3-8) … but we must go beyond salvation … through our study of the Word (Joshua 1:8,9) and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  (John 14:26)

I want to encourage you to seek the life that God has intended for you .. stop believing that what you are experiencing can never get any better …  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you … (James 4:8)

Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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