Friday, May 3, 2019

Is Your Jesus on the Dashboard?

Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” – Revelation 2:4

You don’t see them much anymore, but in times past it was common to see a bobble head or a figure – like Jesus or Mary or maybe a Hawaiian dancing girl on the dashboards of cars and trucks.

We all must be careful that we don’t put Jesus on our “dashboard”. The danger is that the reality of who He is can fade over time and He will become a mere symbol, like the Jesus on the dashboard. I pray that your relationship with Jesus and your awareness of who Jesus is will remain fresh in your mind and your heart.  That every day you will be in awe of who Jesus is and what He has done for you through His work on the cross and His resurrection.

There is a praise song …… "More like you, Jesus more like you. Fill my heart with Your desire to make me more like You. More like You, Jesus, more like You, Touch my lips with holy fire And make me more like You. Lord You are my mercy. Lord You are my grace and all my deepest sins have forever been erased” (Scott Wesley Brown, More Like You Jesus)

Or how about this one.

“Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus, Vast unmeasured, boundless, free! Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me! Underneath me, all around me, is the current Of Thy love. Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above! “ (Samuel Trevor Francis, Oh The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus)

Don’t just set Jesus on the dashboard of your life to be reminded of Him occasionally.  Let the reality of His love and who you are in Christ roll over you like a mighty wave in the ocean.  And let your light shine.

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