Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Being Faithful in the Storms of Life

My Utmost For His Highest
“We know that all things work together for good to those who love God . . .” —Romans 8:28
‘It is only a faithful person who truly believes that God sovereignly controls his circumstances. We take our circumstances for granted, saying God is in control, but not really believing it. We act as if the things that happen were completely controlled by people. To be faithful in every circumstance means that we have only one loyalty, or object of our faith— the Lord Jesus Christ. God may cause our circumstances to suddenly fall apart, which may bring the realization of our unfaithfulness to Him for not recognizing that He had ordained the situation. […] The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work for God, but that He will be free to do His work through us. God calls us to His service and places tremendous responsibilities on us. He expects no complaining on our part and offers no explanation on His part. God wants to use us as He used His own Son.’ CHAMBERS
When you are in the midst of turmoil, it is often difficult to remember that God is sovereign.  I have read about Peter walking on the water .. about the disciples fearing for their lives in the storm.  Frankly, I thought .. but Jesus was there .. why did they worry … they could see Him what was their problem?  But in the same way, Jesus is with us .. God never leaves us .. even in the storms, especially in the storms.  So why do we worry when we find ourselves in one? I had something come up this week.  I did not see it coming. As I wondered why and what I could do about it, the Spirit prompted me with realization that this was an opportunity for the name of Jesus to be lifted up .. for God to be glorified … but I had to keep a spiritual perspective. Jesus asked some piercing questions .. “Why did you doubt?” “Where is your faith?” “Do you love Me?”
Perhaps you are in the middle of a difficult time.  The natural thing is to focus on the people involved or the circumstances.  To wonder how you are going to "fix" the problem.  But God says … “Trust in Me” “Do not let your heart be troubled” “Don’t be anxious about anything.” He causes all things to work together for good .. for His purposes.  You can count on it.
Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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