Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Joy In Times Of Trouble - Living On The Supernatural Side

“In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. – Romans 8:37

In Romans 12 verse 2 Paul wrote that we are transformed.  2 Corinthians 5:17 he wrote that we are new in Christ, the old has passed away.  Our old, sinful nature no longer has claim to our lives.  Perhaps you have heard the example of a caterpillar and a butterfly, metamorphosis, to describe what transformed means.  Once the process has started, there is no way to reverse it.  A butterfly cannot become a caterpillar again.  That transformation requires patience and struggle.

The cocoon or chrysalis is a like the life that we live, we are enclosed in it, but inside there is something going on that cannot be explained in natural terms.  It is a mystery.  An irreversible process.  Once God has you in His hand, there is no one, not even you, that can change that.

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” – John 10:28-29

Perhaps the greatest temptation that each of us faces is to lose hope that life can be better.  Circumstances may not change but our lives in Christ are greater than the circumstances we find ourselves in.  Loss, hurt, financial problems, broken relationships .. all of those things come with a fallen world.  We are in that world, but as born again children of God, we are no longer limited by this world.

We have a supernatural side.  We have the capacity to live above our circumstances … not struggle under them.  It all depends upon where we look for our source of strength.

If God is for us, then who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31

We are being transformed.  The creator God is on our side.  You can have joy in the midst of the struggle.  Perhaps you are in the middle of one right now! Perhaps for a long time. Hold on to this truth.  Look to the hills from whence your help cometh!

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39

Can I get a Hallelujah from somebody?! 

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