Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Impossibility Of Keeping Secrets From God - What Were You Thinking?

My Utmost For His Highest 

If we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection… —Romans 6:5

{CHAMBERS} “The Spirit of Jesus entering me rearranges my personal life before God. The resurrection of Jesus has given Him the authority to give the life of God to me, and the experiences of my life must now be built on the foundation of His life. I can have the resurrection life of Jesus here and now, and it will exhibit itself through holiness. […] The Holy Spirit cannot be accepted as a guest in merely one room of the house— He invades all of it. And once I decide that my “old man” (that is, my heredity of sin) should be identified with the death of Jesus, the Holy Spirit invades me. He takes charge of everything. My part is to walk in the light and to obey all that He reveals to me. […] Just as there is only one kind of humanity, there is only one kind of holiness— the holiness of Jesus. And it is His holiness that has been given to me. God puts the holiness of His Son into me, and I belong to a new spiritual order.”

{ELGIN} I am sure you have heard the term “giving your heart to the Lord” to describe the new birth – salvation.  The problem is that what we intend to do, surrender all, often falls short after the emotion of the moment.  You see the truth is, that most of us struggle with giving our whole heart.  There are “rooms” in our lives that we keep under lock and key.  No one can enter, not even the Lord.  The thing is, He knows the rooms are there and He knows what lies behind the locked door.  His open invitation is to open the doors to all of the rooms in our hearts.  To surrender everything. To trust Him in everything. Those "old" things that we cling to are never good for us, but we have convinced ourselves that they are essential to our wellbeing.  If you have been born again, the only thing that is essential is Jesus.  All you have to do is believe it and then unlock and open those doors.  Expose what you are hiding to the Light. Stop living two lives. Fulfill your purpose which is to bring glory to God and enjoy Him forever.

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